Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Christmas is coming!! T-minus 3 days and counting!! We finally got our tree up today!! There's only one present under it right now. >.> I should really get on my wrapping <.< And of course since I'm excited for Christmas illness has crept up and nipped me in the behind, well, really the nose and head. I spent most of last night not sleeping, but tossing and turning due to pressure and lack of oxygen...
Today I did feel a bit better and tried to take a nap but to no avail. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep a bit tonight.

Some afterthoughts on Icecrown Citadel 10-man.
-I did have a lot of fun although it was long an exhausting
-The strategy that finally worked on Deathbringer Saurfang was having the melee quickly killing one of the Blood Beasts and the ranged killing the second one. If you're in a melee heavy group, try it out. It worked out well with us, our group consisted of a Paladin and a Warrior as tanks, another Warrior, a Warlock, a Mage, a Rogue, and a Hunter for DPS, and a Druid (ME!!), a Paladin, and a Shaman as healers. During Saurfang we changed over and had our Shaman (DS-ed in Enhancement) also melee leaving myself and our Healing Paladin to heal the fight. Like I said, if you're having trouble with Saurfang and have a melee heavy group, give our strategy a try =)
-I cannot wait to do it again. =D

Well now I must cook dinner. Tacos!! Yay!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


5.5 hours later.
These achievements were achieved by myself and others in Icecrown Citadel 10-man...
Storming The Citadel & I've Gone And Made A Mess.
Oh my God.
My brain hurts.
No Pressies for me but Congo-rats for those who go Pressies.
Lier got a sexy plate 'kilt'.
I think it looks like a skirt but I'm told its a kilt.
Something very exciting though
I am re-reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and I do love Zaphod Beeblebrox.
The Goblin you get the rocket pack from is named Zafod Boombox.
YAY for HHGG references!!!
Also, Blizzard you are ridiculous.
Putting rockets on my bear butt is not nice!!!
So demeaning.
I really should go to bed.
My sleep schedule really needs to be reset.
Christmas is near!
I am planning a tasty dinner of Roast Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, and some kind of vegetable.
I also need to start making my cookies.
I will definitely start cleaning house tomorrow.
We have not even put up the tree! /gasp
So it snowed.
About half an inch.